
He was born on the 14th March 1879, in Ulm (Baden Wüttemberg, Germany) and died on the 18th April 1955, in Princeton (New Jersey, USA). He was a  physician theorist. He published his theory of the special relativity in 1905 and his theory of gravitation, said general relativity, in 1916. In 1921 he received the Nobel prize. He is mainly known for the formula E=mc², the formula means that energy is equal to the mass time the velocity square. During World War II he was a refugee in the US and while he was there he discovered the interaction between the nucleus making a strong energy.


General Relativity or the general theory of relativity  is the geometric theory of gravitation published in 1916 and the current description of gravitation in modern physics. In it, Einstein determined that massive objects cause a distortion in space-time, which is felt as gravity.

We find 3 conceptions of gravitation. Firstly, gravitation is a force between bodies. Secondly gravitation is a distortion of space-time. Finally, gravitation is a fundamental interaction which is established by exchanges of virtual gravitations. With the general relativity to say that the Earth is turning around the Sun is incorrect. In fact, the Earth is going straight forward into the space-time, but it’s the space-time itself, which deformed by this important mass which is the Sun, is curved.


Isaac Newton considered space and time as absolute, existing “without any reference to anything external”. They would be the same for everybody, whatever is the movement. And they would progress independently one from the other. In Einstein’s universe, this vision is swept. Each of us has its own clock and its own distance of measurement.  Time and space can dilate themselves, contract themselves, sprawl and contract with the speed.

So the speed acts like a fountain of Youth, a fountain that doesn’t rejuvenate but slows down unstoppably time.

For Einstein the passage of time isn’t real, time doesn’t pass anymore : it is simply here, motionless, like a straight line spreading at the infinity in both directions.